The Nu-Wave is different because it uses safe infrared technology to cook food faster.
NuWave Oven
Take advantage of this limited time offer and receive one AccuHear.
Accu Hear
Fitness Books, DVDs and CDs
Finally, exercise systems easy and fun to use at home! Check out our fitness books, DVDs and CDs “As Seen On TV” which include fitness products that increases your metabolism making you lose fat and inches for good!
Our health and fitness books and related merchandize demonstrate high-powered, high-energy, exhilarating workouts that will help you attain a toned and sculpted body, strengthen your core, burn fat and increase your overall fitness level for a total body workout.
Weight Loss Cure
The Nu-Wave is different because it uses safe infrared technology to cook food faster and thoroughly without generating the high heat.
24.95 + SH
Red Exercise
The RedEx systems comes with every thing you need for guaranteed results. You will get the exerciser with complete instruction manual.
99.95 + SH
Smoke Away
The all natural, 3-formula Smoke Away smoker's support program can help you kick the smoking habit!
49.95 + SH
Tae Bo Amped
Tae Bo AMPED workout - the next generation of Tae Bo that combines short intense “Cardio Bursts” with signature
39.95 + S/H
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