The Nu-Wave is different because it uses safe infrared technology to cook food faster.
NuWave Oven
Take advantage of this limited time offer and receive one AccuHear.
Accu Hear
As Seen On PC Products - FAQ
Q1. How to Return Product Purchased On This Web Site
Q2. Question About Order Placed On This Web Site
Q3. Question About A Product Shown On This Web Site
Q4. Can I Pay By Check or Money Order
Q5. Can You Ship to Canada?
Q6. How to Become An Affiliate
Q7. Contact Us By E-mail
Q1: How do I return product purchased on this web site?
A1. If at any time you are not satisfied with your purchase of As Seen On PC products, please contact our Customer Service representatives and they will assist you with the return process. Return it for a full refund less shipping and handling. There is 15 days return policy.
Q2. I ordered on this web site and need to know the status of my order?
A2. If you received an email confirmation from AsSeenOnPC within 24 hours of your order you can be confident we have received your order.
If you did not receive an email confirmation, a couple of things may have happened. Most often this occurs because your email address was typed in with an error in it. Contact us by email and we will check to see if we received it. Be sure to include product ordered, your name and zip code.
Q3. I have a question about a product offered on this web site?
A3. If you need information on a product shown on AsSeenOnPC.com, please contact our Customer Service representatives via e-mail. They will be able to get you the information you need.
Q4. Can I Pay By Check or Money Order?
A4. We do accept checks on certain products. You can mail in checks or money orders to the following address; AsSeenOnPC.com, 25 Walls Drive, Suite 1-C, Fairfield, CT, 06824. Please call 800-240-6766 with any questions.
Q5. Can You Ship to Canada?
A5. Most products can be shipped to Canada but it's on a case by case basis. The reason for this is that the products for sale on this web site may only have rights to market in the United States. Contact us by email if you need a referral to someone that may be able to ship a specific product to Canada.
Q6. How can I become an affiliate of your web site?
A6. Learn how to become an affiliate marketer with us. We will get back to you within a couple of business days.
Q7. Contact Us by email
A7. Please click on the above link to contact us via e-mail for your online catalog shopping inquiries.